Founder Pitch

The Founder Pitch is organized by KIT-Gründerschmiede and takes place within the framework of the Innovation Day NEULAND. Five innovative, promising founder teams from KIT will have the chance to present their business ideas to a broad audience and a jury of experts, venture capitalists and business angels. Jury prizes in the amount of 1,000 to 3,000 euros as well as an audience award endowed with 500 euros are in prospect.


Entry criteria

Eligible for participation are student and scientific start-up teams in the (pre-)start-up phase as well as companies founded by KIT scientists and graduates which are not older than two years and achieve annual sales of 100,000 euros maximum.

Project specifications

  • The innovative product (incl. services) has a strong USP and technological depth.
  • The business model is based on a technology that enables a sustainable successful positioning in competition.
  • An attractive market and growth ambitions of the management team show clear development potential.


The Founder Pitch 2024 has already taken place. As soon as the date for the next founders' pitch has been set, we will inform you here about the application deadline.

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