Neuland – the innovation fund of KIT

The Innovation Fund is an internal KIT funding program for technology transfer projects in institutes. The aim is the product-oriented further development of research results together with an industrial partner.

KIT scientists can apply for funds from the fund, for example, in order to be able to carry out a technology transfer (TT) project at their institute without incurring costs. The industrial partner bears the costs incurred by him/herself. In general, there are the following possibilities to use resources from the Innovation Fund:

Technology Transfer Projects

Technology Transfer Projects

KIT and an industrial partner further develop an idea, research results, or technology to a marketable product or process. The financial expenditure is shared equally by the Innovation Fund and the partner. The product is then marketed by the industrial partner. The success on the market determines the returns to KIT, which are divided between the scientist, the institute, and the Innovation Fund.



Many ideas are not yet developed far enough to be really attractive for industry. The Innovation Fund enables KIT-internal funding projects to overcome this hurdle. In particular, the development of a prototype and the preparation of market research are funded. In addition, scientists receive support in the search for industrial partners, in cooperation negotiations, and in legal and commercial matters.

Spin-off projects

Spin-off projects

Spin-off projects from KIT institutes can also apply for funding in order to prepare the spin-off. Funding from the Innovation Fund can be used either for further development of the product or for co-financing for public funding programs. After the start-up, KIT receives licensing income and/or a share in the company in return.

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