• Climate, Environment & Health

Danger from above: how to better predict hail

In order to discuss the current state of hail research, KIT and other partners are organizing the 4th European Hail Workshop in March 2024.

Hailstorms increasingly pose a threat to the environment, infrastructure and people and can cause billions of euros in damage within a very short time. Studies show that the number and intensity of hail events in Germany have increased significantly in recent years. The reason given is global warming of the atmosphere. However, the exact connection with climate change as well as regional forecasts for hailstorms can only be determined to a limited extent so far.

Together with the University of Bern and the Mobiliar Laboratory for Natural Hazards as well as the weather service MeteoSwiss, KIT will organize the 4th European Hail Workshop from 5th to 7th March 2024 to discuss the current state of international hail research. The workshop will bring together researchers and experts from the fields of atmospheric research, weather services, insurance, economy and agriculture to discuss existing deficits in hail modeling and analysis as well as possible solutions.



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Image: Hesen / stock.adobe.com


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