The Innovation Fund is not tied to a specific program or subject area, nor to a term, budget amount or call deadline. Individual funding is determined by the market potential of the product idea. The higher the later market potential and thus the expected return on investment (ROI) is estimated to be, the more can be invested in product development.
The only prerequisite for an investment from the fund is the willingness of an industrial partner to participate in the project both technically and financially by bearing the costs incurred by the partner itself. The entire project costs of the institute are pre-financed by the fund and are to be refinanced after the market launch by a participation in the later turnover (ROI) of the company. The higher the later market potential of the product idea and thus the expected ROI is estimated, the more can be invested in product development in advance.
You can submit an application for funding at any time. Application reviews for the Innovation Fund take place on an ongoing basis throughout the year by a steering committee.