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Different kind of playmate: Humanoid robot in the daycare center

The use of the humanoid robot NOA in a daycare center in Karlsruhe is an example of how diverse the use of AI and robotics in public institutions can be.

Since April 2023, the children at the Lebenshilfehaus daycare center in Karlsruhe have had a new playmate: Two to three times a week, the robot NOA comes by to dance, sing or tell stories with them. This is intended to promote the children's media skills and support the early learning process, but also for research purposes on the use of AI and robotics in public institutions. The project is part of a large project of KIT in the field of everyday research of AI and robotics and is supervised by a team around Prof. Dr.-Ing. Tamim Asfour from Institute for Anthropomatics and Robotics (IAR). The use of the robot is made possible within the framework of KIT's "Reallabor Robotische KI" with the support of the Gaul Foundation, which financed the robot.


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Image: djmilic / iStock.com

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