• Energy
  • Mobility

Fast charging system for E-Bikes

The Electrotechnical Institute (ETI) of KIT and the industrial partner Coboc GmbH & Co. KG cooperate in the development of an e-bike fast charging system.

Grafik eines Fahrrads mit elektrischen Blitzen

The Electrotechnical Institute (ETI) of KIT and the industrial partner Coboc GmbH & Co. KG cooperate in the development of an e-bike fast charging system. In order to reduce the charging time from currently about two to four hours to less than one hour and to minimize aging effects in the meantime, special charging algorithms are to be used in the fast charging system. The charging system has a comparatively strong charging current of up to ten amps. This means that the battery can be charged at a normal 230-volt socket. The batteries will be equipped with a management system that monitors the "State of Charge" and the "State of Health" of the battery via the Coboc Cloud for analysis.


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