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Magnetic fingerprints for more trains in the rail network

With the help of a sensor, researchers at KIT are making it possible to determine the exact position of a train and thus contribute to increasing the capacity of rail transport.

An innovative sensor developed by KIT together with software developer ITK Engineering could increase future capacity of the rail network in Germany and reduce bottlenecks and delays. Each section of the rail network has an individual magnetic fingerprint. This can be measured with the newly developed Magnetic Railway Onboard Sensor (MAROS) via an electric field, which makes it possible to determine the speed and exact positioning of trains more reliably. Accurate positioning on the rails can in turn increase the efficiency of rail traffic. Unlike conventional GPS or camera systems, MAROS provides a more cost-effective and precise localization of the train, regardless of weather conditions or terrain.


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Image: onurdongel / iStock.com


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