• Energy

PeePower: How electricity is generated from urine

Researchers at KIT are working on a reactor to produce hydrogen from urine, which can then be used to generate electricity using a fuel cell.

Extracting green hydrogen from urine – a novel approach being pursued in the "PeePower" project. Researchers from the DVGW Research Unit at KIT and the Technical University of Hamburg are working on microbial electrolysis with electroactive microorganisms to break down carbon compounds in urine and produce hydrogen. The process was tested on a larger scale for the first time at the 2023 Federal Garden Show in Mannheim. A novel 100-liter reactor system developed at the Engler-Bunte Institute (EBI) was used for this purpose. Urine from visitors has been collected via separation toilets and converted into hydrogen in the reactor. The hydrogen produced was then converted into electricity and made available to visitors in the form of a smartphone charging station.


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Image: sabelskaya / iStock.com

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