Prof. Dr. Ute Schepers
Prof. Dr. Ute Schepers


Prof. Schepers has been working at KIT since 2009 and since then heads the Chemical Biology Research Group at Institute of Toxikology and Genetics at KIT. From her studies of chemistry in Bonn, her path to Karlsruhe led her through scientific positions in Bonn and at Harvard to her habilitation at KIT in 2011.

Her research focuses on molecular transporters, cell recognition of polycationic transporters, antibacterial transporters and RNA interference techniques. The research group has a large library of molecules. Many product ideas are the result of current research projects, for example in the context of doctoral theses, and are in some cases followed up to commercialization on the market. This led, among other things, to the creation of the spin-off company vasQlab, with which a team of entrepreneurs around Prof. Schepers develops and sells body-on-a-chip systems.

Prof. Schepers has received several awards for her scientific work. Her wealth of ideas in the field of applied research and innovation has been awarded several times with the NEULAND Innovation Award at KIT.

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