• Information

The first German quantum computer

In the joint project QSolid, researchers of KIT are contributing fundamental technological developments for superconducting components in order to significantly improve the flow of quantum information.

The goal of the joint project QSolid is a high-performance quantum computer from Gemany. This could be realized by using high-quality, low-error quantum bits (qubits). Various research teams from different departments at KIT are involved in the project, which is coordinated by Forschungszentrum Jülich. They are working on improving the flow of quantum information in the superconducting components. The goal is to achieve over 97 percent reliability of quantum state preparation, in the first step for individual qubit components and later for the entire processor. The entire project is funded with 76.3 million euros by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research.


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Image: Oselote / iStock.com


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