• Energy
  • Materials

Super adhesive for solar cells

Prof. Norbert Willenbacher and Katrin Dyhr, together with cooperation partner PROTAVIC INTERNATIONAL, secure first place in the Transfer Award of NEULAND Innovation Contest with their project on electrically conductive adhesives.

Gewinner Transferpreis 2022
Prof. Norbert Willenbacher and Katrin Dyhr (right) from KIT together with Simon Malandain (left) from PROTAVIC INTERNATIONAL receive the 1st prize of the innovation contest NEULAND for their transfer project.

The production of low-cost, resource-saving solar modules is one of the central technical challenges of the next decade. KIT and PROTAVIC INTERNATIONAL want to make a joint contribution. They are developing a "super adhesive" that will be used, among other things, for the assembly of microelectronic devices and for the production of photovoltaic modules. The object of the cooperation is the development of an electrically conductive structural adhesive with high conductivity and low silver content. Polymer resins and silver particles produced by PROTAVIC INTERNATIONAL serve as the basis. The high conductivity is achieved by applying the capillary suspension concept developed by KIT. This is based on the fact that when the solid and the first liquid are mixed, a stable particle network is created by the small addition of a second liquid that is not miscible with the main phase. This network is held together by capillary forces and allows high conductivity to be achieved even at low particle concentrations.


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Image: Robert Fuge / KIT

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