Prof. Andreas Gerdes has been with KIT since 2001: Starting as a research associate, he was appointed Professor of Construction Chemistry at the Karlsruhe University of Applied Sciences - Technology and Economics in 2003 and has since also headed the Mineral Interfaces Department of the Institute for Functional Interfaces. His research focuses on concepts and technologies for the preventive and sustainable protection of structures, including the elucidation of damage mechanisms, the development of repair procedures or methods for quality control.

The graduate chemist completed his chemistry studies at the Technical University of Clausthal and subsequently earned his doctorate at the Institute for Building Materials, Materials Chemistry and Corrosion at the ETH Zurich. His main focus was already on the chemistry of building materials. At the ETH, he established a laboratory for construction chemistry and then transferred to KIT, formerly Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe, in 2001.

Prof. Gerdes is currently scientific director of the funded project "KIT Innovation Hub - Prevention in Construction" and is involved in setting up and organizing the project.

In addition to his scientific career, Prof. Gerdes is co-founder and current chairman of the supervisory board of IONYS AG. The company offers services around repair and prevention.

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