Prof. Christoph Syldatk leads the Sub-Institute for Technical Biology at the Institute of Process Engineering in Life Sciences at KIT, to which he was appointed professor in 2003. Here, Prof. Syldatk is involved in various research projects in the fields of microbial substance production and enzyme technology, including the production of biosurfactants produced with microorganisms or enzymes on the basis of renewable raw materials such as vegetable oil and sugar. These have a high degree of efficiency and are biodegradable. The research is intended to reduce production costs so that biosurfactants can be used commercially alongside synthetic surfactants, for example in the pharmaceutical and cosmetics sectors.

Prof. Syldatk already dedicated his doctorate at the Technical University of Braunschweig in 1984 to the production and characterization of biosurfactants. He then worked there as an assistant professor and research group leader before being appointed Professor of Technical Microbiology at the Institute of Bioprocess Engineering at the University of Stuttgart in 1993 after completing his habilitation.

In addition to his more than 200 publications, Prof. Syldatk is distinguished by his involvement in the Society for Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology (DECHEMA). Since 2004, he has been a member of the bioprocess technology section of this non-profit professional society. From 2010 to 2014, he was chairman of the joint specialist group "Biotransformations" of DECHEMA and the Association for General and Applied Microbiology (VAAM).


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