Prof. Gauterin has been working at KIT since 2006 and has since led the Institute of Vehicle Systems Technology (FAST) as well as the Institute's Chair of Vehicle Technology. In addition, he is speaker of the KIT Mobility Systems Center and of the Karlsruhe Mobility Systems Profile Region.

Born in Pforzheim, he studied physics at the University of Muenster and finally obtained his Ph. D. at the University of Oldenburg. After five years as a research associate at the Westphalian Wilhelms University of Muenster, Prof. Gauterin gained valuable experience in industry for more than 15 years. He passed through various positions in research and development at Continental AG, a large, internationally active automotive supplier. Most recently, he was director in the area of noise and vibration comfort and traffic noise with locations in Germany, the USA and Malaysia.

His path led him back to science when he was appointed Prof. of Automotive Engineering at KIT in 2006. His work focuses on the optimal automated operation of vehicles.

Prof. Gauterin is involved in several associations and groups in the context of automotive engineering, such as the Scientific Society for Automotive and Engine Technology (WKM), the working group "Vehicle and Traffic Engineering" of the VDI or the German Society for Acoustics e.V. (DEGA), and as an advisory board member of the state agency e-mobil BW GmbH.

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